YOHT Alliance - October
Digger Man

Digger Man Blog

by Nick Drew  |  Sun 21 Apr 2013

Pink Case backhoe loader continues its charity crusade at Bauma

The pink Case 580 backhoe loader I posted about at my old blog host way back in December, made an appearance at Bauma last week, on the latest stage of its journey to raise awareness about breast cancer.

Pink Case backhoe loader continues its charity crusade at Bauma
This special liveried Case backhoe which is sign written with the Digging for a Cure logo, has been helping to raise awareness of breast cancer, throughout the United States since 2011. The machine was painted pink at the Case Burlington plant in Iowa (USA) with the sole purpose of raising the profile of this terrible disease. The brain behind the idea is Marvin Linder, a design engineer at the plant, whose wife Leslie tragically died of breast cancer. 235 Commenting on this awareness drive last year, Marvin Linder said “We have had many employees and family members affected by cancer over the past few years, as such I wanted to make a big cancer awareness push and to help raise money at the same time” 237 Explaining how he got the idea Marvin said “I once saw a pink fire truck, and I thought it was a neat idea, I figured why couldn’t we do something like that to help our Relay for Life team and have more awareness of cancer in itself?” Bauma 2013 was the next logical place for the machine to be seen, as it continues its quest for a cure. You can help the cause too, by  purchasing scale models of this stunning American style centre pivot backhoe loader at Case’s online shop, with proceeds going to the charity, a worthwhile cause if ever there was one! Shop for yours now at www.caseshop.com  

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