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Digger Man

Digger Man Blog

by Nick Drew  |  Wed 17 Apr 2024

JCB 800 Series Archive Footage

With Intermat Paris just a week away now, it was fantastic to see this classic archive film from JCB which, during the opening scenes features the 1974 forerunner to Intermat, Expomat, which was used as the international launch event for JCB’s 800 series hydraulic excavators.

JCB 800 Series Archive Footage

JCB’s 800 series had been launched domestically in 1973, with the first models being the 806 and 807. They were radically very different in style and design and featured a side mounted engine and the company’s Hush-Flow exhaust system.

Later in 1974 the Staffordshire based manufacturer launched its largest model the 808 which was a big old lump and well liked by demolition contractors.

Photo Courtesy of IMCDB 

It wasn’t until 1977 that JCB launched the smaller 12-14 tonne class 805 enabling them to compete in that competitive market sector so dominated by the likes of Hymac and Priestman.

I love these period videos from back in the day, so grab a coffee and enjoy this latest offering from JCB’s extensive archives.   

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