Hillhead/QMJ 2024


Digging deep into construction machinery news

Perfect Training Platform with SITECH UK & Ireland and Plantforce

Thu 31 Oct 2019

Perfect Training Platform with SITECH UK & Ireland and Plantforce

According to the team behind this collaboration the aim of the course is to to upskill existing construction workers on how to operate machines that are digitally enabled using some of the latest technology available, this will enable these operatives to be ready to use these systems on high performing construction sites, where such technology is now being demanded, in addition to training the next influx of young machine operators who will undoubtably embrace such systems having grown up as part of the X Box generation and as such will not be daunted by the idea of modern machine control. Photo: Courtesy of Plantforce Facebook page. I know many of us from the “old school” generation find all this technology stuff overwhelming and I know that is fact as I talk to a lot of operators on my visits to sites around the country. By my own admission, I went into the plant industry mainly because my father was involved in it and partly because, if I’m honest, I was never the brightest crayon in the pack at school! I just wasn’t interested, all I wanted to do was drive diggers. But times move on, and it now appears that the modern machine operator is almost becoming part of the site engineering team too. Even though I’m a luddite when it comes to technology and personally find it all quite daunting, this can only be a good thing for the modern-day operator going forward, I hope it will be reflected in the amount of money that is paid to these highly skilled individuals in the future. The reality is its something I should really be looking at personally, as we never know what is around the corner in our working lives, there could come a time when I have to return to the seat and joysticks, something I could end up woefully unprepared for at the speed this technology is taking over. I think the overwhelming message is keep up with it, or get left well behind. Find out more in this great video featuring interviews and footage of the key individuals involved in the day to day running of this initiative.

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