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Digger Man Blog

by Nick Drew  |  Mon 22 Feb 2016

Bauma re-visited

With Bauma the biggest construction plant & machinery show in the world just around the corner, we take a look back into the archives for what I hope will be a series of blog posts in the run up to the show, this batch of shots come courtesy of Liebherr, who on home soil, always have the most dominant stand at this premier event.

Bauma re-visited

The first ever Bauma Trade Fair took place in 1954 at its original home which was a section of the old Munich airport site and is now home to the Olympia Park. The show continued at that site until 1967. The show is organised by the Messe Munchen organization and has taken place at its current home the impressive Neue Messe Munchen exhibition centre since 1998. This first picture from Liebherr shows a selection of the company’s machines on display at that first event in 1954 and includes two of the company's first ever fully hydraulic excavator models the L 300! 


A close up of an early L 300 excavator from Liebherr, which came in wheeled, tracked and truck mounted configurations.


A massive leap forward in years now to 1992 and this scan of a company newsletter entitled Liebherr at the Bauma. The stand by this time is starting to get bigger but still a long way to go to match the recent offerings from the giant German manufacturer.


Moving on to 2004 now and the theme is set, with the main star attractions being the large mining excavator and dumptruck combination. In this instance a T 282B truck and R 994 mining excavator in face shovel configuration and sporting a distinctive corporate livery of its new owners.

Bauma_2004_kl (3)_Screen

The 2010 event was a massive one for Liebherr and the what is virtually a Liebherr village within the showground was one of the best I have ever seen. This aerial shot depicts the show stopping dumptruck having its body raised, which always draws the crowds and an example of the company’s LH 120 Industry material handlers.

Bauma 2010 Luftaufnahme Messestand_Screen

In this shot also from the 2010 event we see yet another great shot from high above the “Liebherr Booth” as they like to describe it, displaying the massive range of machines that the company manufacture.

Bauma 2010 Kranausleger_Screen

So any other manufacturers want to share their archive Bauma photos with us here on the Digger Man Blog, the older the better from my point of view? If so please contact me at nickydrew16 at btinternet.com using the usual @ email format.

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