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Digger Man

Digger Man Blog

by Nick Drew  |  Tue 17 Aug 2021

Specialist Road Haunching Kit

I was contacted earlier this week by an American marketing business, who asked me if I was attending The Utility Expo event in Louisville in September 28th – 30th. While I have no plans to go abroad anytime soon, until its 100% safe to do so, I was interested in the kit they were inviting me to see from a US firm called Road Widener.

Specialist Road Haunching Kit

As I’m always on the lookout for something a bit different to write about on the blog, this email led me to do some research on this company Road Widener LLC and its innovative range of attachments, which are primarily aimed at the skid steer and compact loader sector, which as we know, are extremely popular in the US for performing all manner of tasks using multiple varieties of attachments.

The company was founded from humble beginnings in South East Wisconsin by two construction professionals back in 2007, with a focus on road shoulder maintenance equipment, and has gone from strength to strength ever since. Having started off fabricating in a small double garage, they now manufacture everything in their modern stat-of-the-art facility in the same area.

At the forthcoming Utility Expo show the company will be showcasing its unique FH-R shouldering and side paver attachment.

In addition, they plan to display their Offset Vibratory Roller attachment. Obviously, this type of kit is more suited to the type of roads running across vast states that we would see in the US, but I can see them being put to good use on certain jobs here too.

Checkout this promotional video from the company.


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