Alliance May 24
Digger Man

Digger Man Blog

by Nick Drew  |  Thu 12 Oct 2023

Take 1, 2, 3, 4 ……. Action! #ThrowbackThursday

Time for a bit of Thursday fun with this superb and humorous video from the fine team at Yanmar Compact Equipment EMEA.

Take 1, 2, 3, 4 ……. Action!  #ThrowbackThursday

For many of us, talking to camera in a natural and engaging way is a real challenge, of course there are some who are naturally gifted in that department like my great friend and colleague Peter Haddock for instance, while on the flip side, I have tried to interview some people who quite simply freeze as soon as the camera starts rolling, and can barely remember their own name, basically, its not as easy as it looks and nerves can often get the better of you.

I therefore tip my hat to the Yanmar EMEA team who were on the ‘Yanmar City’ stand at Bauma 2022, for putting together this behind-the-scenes video featuring a whole host of bloopers from the seven days of filming during the event, it’s so funny!

I’d love to see a blooper video featuring myself, especially during my early days of talking to camera during trips to Cat’s facility in Malaga, where I was often a jibbering wreck!

I'd llike to thank each and everyone of these Yanmar staff for being such great sports and sharing the outakes with us all, hopefully we will catch up with some of you during Intermat in Paris next year!  

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