Digger Man

Digger Man Blog

by Nick Drew  |  Thu 06 Jun 2013

Volvo Construction Equipment history

Following on from my recent report on classic machines on display at MaskinExpo, I have had some feedback from readers who want to know a bit more about how Bolinder-Munktell, evolved into the Volvo Construction Equipment business that we all know today.

I recall posting this video on the old Contract Journal blog. It’s an interesting story of just how the Bolinder-Munktell firm grew, through a series of high profile acquisitions, into the global giant that it is today. The film details the company’s rise from those early days right up to today’s modern concept machines and Hybrid models.

As mentioned in one of my previous posts, a visit to the Munktells Museum in Eskilstuna, would be highly recommended.    

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