YOHT Alliance - October


Digging deep into construction machinery news

A Bucket Load of Bloopers from Rhinox

by Nick Drew  |  Tue 30 Jan 2024

A Bucket Load of Bloopers from Rhinox

Being able to not take yourself too seriously is, in my opinion, a fine quality and on the Digger Man Blog, we do love a good laugh.

Over the weekend I came across this hilarious blooper video that has been produced by the fine folk over at East Yorkshire-based Rhinox buckets and attachments.

I’m seeing more and more of this company’s buckets around these days during site visits for Earthmovers and that led to me taking a look on the internet to find out more.

I will be posting another blog on the products in due course, but for an end of January post, I thought this would seriously lighten the mood a little, especially with all the news on mainstream media being so gloomy right now!

I’d like to do a big shoutout to the Rhinox members of staff who appear in this blooper compilation, who are clearly very good sports!


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