Alliance May 24


Digging deep into construction machinery news

Dog gets a paw up thanks to Cat grader

Thu 13 Sep 2018

Dog gets a paw up thanks to Cat grader

Many of us over the years have had the pleasure of taking our dogs to work with us, although with all the current health and safety regulations on bigger sites its becoming very difficult to take a man’s best friend onto a workplace. Many have related tales on the Digger Man Blog Facebook group of how they take their hounds to work and its nice to know that some do still get the chance to do so. There is not a lot of information available on this video which has been doing the rounds on the various plant and machinery groups and forums in terms of location, all we know is that the dog in question is a Corgi and its owner has developed a technique to get the pooch up into the cab of his motor grader, check out the video and see for yourself how it does it!

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