Hillhead/QMJ 2024


Digging deep into construction machinery news

Primitive home-made loader does the job!

Thu 01 Feb 2018

Primitive home-made loader does the job!

Whichever way you look at it, you have to admire the ingenuity of people in third world countries, they often don’t have the money or the resources to equip themselves with the latest machinery like we do in the Western world, so they get by with what they can. The footage in the video below was taken in Vietnam as I understand it and as you will see there has been some interesting cannibalisation done to whatever this was previously, possibly a small tipper truck judging by the lift ram in the centre of the chassis.
While the whole set up looks like something out of an episode of Scrap Heap Challenge, nobody can deny that they are getting the job done and making the most of what they have at their disposal.  

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