Alliance May 24


Digging deep into construction machinery news

Renaissance: Why JCB is the Apple of the digger world (Book Review)

Mon 14 Aug 2017

Renaissance: Why JCB is the Apple of the digger world (Book Review)

As I feverishly opened the packaging the first thing that struck me was the feel of the cover, by spooky coincidence it reminded me of the covering on an iPhone box, a feel of quality. This book is relatively small in size, but let’s face it your average plant enthusiast doesn’t always want to read something the size of the encyclopaedia Britannica that doubles up as a door stop, this publication is ideal for popping in your hand luggage when travelling or going on holiday. So what’s it all about, well I don't want to give too much away but the book explores the similarity in the approach to innovation and product development of the two companies explained by Mark as innovation that brought us the iPhone and iPad and the Hydradig and Teleskid described in the witty and informative style that we have become accustomed to from Mark over the years. Mark virtually paints a picture with his words which makes this book easy and pleasurable reading right from the start, Mark says, “Apple did not invent the smartphone or the tablet computer. But it took those ideas and made them better; made them desirable,” Mark continues, “Having charted the development and launch of machines like the Hydradig, the Teleskid and the Hi Viz dumper, I was struck by JCB’s seemingly unerring knack for taking a proven machine type and turning that design on its head to create something new and aspirational.” For the die-hard and enthusiastic JCB fans out there, this book, with its bold easy to read text and glossy photographs will be essential reading I’m sure, I certainly enjoyed finding out more about the thinking behind the innovative British manufacturer. But don't just take my word for it, you can purchase you own copy of Renaissance: Why JCB is the Apple of the digger world by following this link.   

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