Digger Man

Digger Man Blog

by Nick Drew  |  Wed 15 Jan 2025

Zooming into Europe

The latest Chinese construction machinery manufacturer with sights on the lucrative European market is Zoomlion, who last week held an opening ceremony for the Zoomlion Europe HQ in Germany.

Zooming into Europe

Photo: Courtesy of Dirk Bömer.

According to our good friend Dirk Bömer who attended the exclusive opening event, Zoomlion Europe GmbH will be based in Waldlaubersheim, which was formerly the headquarters of crane manufacturer Wilbert, which has been part of the Zoomlion Group since 2018.

The new facility will be the European hub initially for Germany, France, Spain and Italy and will serve as the headquarters for sales and service across Western Europe.

There was some equipment on display at this event but nothing larger than 3.5 tonnes on the hydraulic excavator side of things. Unfortunately, there was no opportunity to get “hands on” with any of the machinery at this event, but it will be interesting to pay them a visit during Bauma to find out more.

Let’s find out more about Zoomlion in this promotional video from the company.


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